Thanks Everyone. These instructions saved me quite a bit of time. All is good now, but I did come across one other little issue and I think I figured out how to solve it. After a coupe good test prints, I found my servo (g90) was jittering and during abl, Instead of going to rotation 155 (perfect straight up and down) it would go a little too far. This caused the micro switch to touch on the body first, flex the bed, then trigger the switch. This only happens during abl, so I beleave it is getting and interference signal from all the wires it's grouped with from the print head. I turned on the "servo off" setting in configuration H, but no change. I am thinking of adding a ferrite ring to the servo wire to see if that cancels out the jitter. At home when nothing is happening, I can send a prionterface command to raise and lower serve abl arm. 70, 155. It's perfect. Only while other things are running (filament heat and fan) does it not go perfectly into position.

does this make sense to add a ferrite ring?