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  1. #1

    Adjusting the Z height with the EEPROM and saving.

    OK, First let me apologize if this is like basic 101 stuff. I am having a brain fart. so, here is my issue..i think.

    With my Makerfarm pegasus 12, i have set up auto bed leveling and activated EEPROM settings. After the bed leveling program (witch works great) the print starts. the print head gets too close to the bed and almost blocks the filament from coming through. it's not for about 5-8 passes that i can see a good filament. I know I want to "squeeze" the first layer to the bed and in my slicer, I have first layer set to 95% to do that. I remember seeing a video or reading somewhere that to get a good spacing from the bed and extruder, check the z reading on the LCD for the first layer and see what it says. then adjust z offset in the eeprom, then save.

    If I get -.10, do I then just add .10 to the z offset? or should I stop the print, leave the extruder where it is in X and Y, then, with the lcd, raise Z until a paper fits under it and then check THAT reading and adjust my z height?

    Thank you for your patience on reading this, but I cannot seem to find the answer I am looking for probably because i can't figure out the correct question.

    Happy Printing!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    New Orleans
    You will need to measure your Z offset (as you mentioned, by using a piece of paper, and checking the Z position on the LCD) AFTER you run the G-29 ABL command. I run a G-28 to home everything, run ABL, then position my nozzle at 150/150 for X/Y to center in my 12" bed. After this I place a piece of paper (mine is thick, measures .15mm) inbetween the nozzles and the bed. I lower the nozzle until the paper just barely clears (just barely enough resistance to be noticeable), and calculate my offset based on this number.

    For example, if my Z offset is currently 4.00mm, and after homing and running ABL, I center the nozzles and slowly lower Z to 0 (.1mm increments). This is where you get Z offset adjustments.
    - If Z > 0 on the LCD and you cannot get the paper under the nozzle, raise Z by .1mm until you can fit it under there. Then take the Z position, and subtract it from your current offset. Say if Z is .2mm on the LCD when you fit the paper under successfully, you would then set Z offset to 3.80mm (4 - 0.20)
    - If Z = 0 on the LCD and the nozzle is nowhere close to the paper, you will need to raise your Z offset (i.e. add to the 4.00mm offset) until you get to the appropriate offset.

    Make sure you save it in motion settings and then save settings to EEPROM to store your changes. I usually make note of mine to update my firmware for next time also, to save time.
    Last edited by dustmann; 08-12-2016 at 08:06 PM.

  3. #3
    Super Moderator Roxy's Avatar
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    Lone Star State
    If you are running a recent RC of Marlin, you might want to turn on Z-BabyStepping. You can just dial the nozzle up or down until everything is perfect. And you can then cross that number (for how much you changed the Z-Height) over to your Z_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    New Orleans
    Clever! I will have to check out RC7, it seems Marlin updates to a new RC about the time I think I have a particular RC (I'm usually at least one behind) dialed in

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Pennsylvania, USA

    Ok, using the *standard* old version of Marlin:

    1) Do a manual adjust on the Z and get it within about 0.1 to 0.3 mm above the glass. This is all by adjusting the Z end stop.

    2) Run the bed level on a heated machine (heated bed hot and hot end hot) Use a piece of paper, do it from the LCD

    3) Do a G29 command from your computer. Record the numbers it spits back

    4) Wait a bit and repeat the bed level, repeat the G29. The numbers should be the same, if not start digging into what's wrong with the printer

    5) If the numbers repeat, save them using the "store memory" function under the "control" menu

    At this point, the only thing you need to adjust for is the thickness of your paper. Unless you have a very unusual piece of paper, that will be in the -0.05 to -0.25 mm range. It has nothing to do with the data from the G29 it only relates to your paper. Make sure that your G code has the proper default info in it to run the bed level stuff. All of the details are in the Pegasus 12 instructions.

    If you need to dig into the printer, I put up a monster long series of posts about how to do all of that.


  6. #6
    Super Moderator Roxy's Avatar
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    Lone Star State
    Quote Originally Posted by dustmann View Post
    Clever! I will have to check out RC7, it seems Marlin updates to a new RC about the time I think I have a particular RC (I'm usually at least one behind) dialed in
    You can get ahead by bringing up the devel_UBL branch. That is going to be the code base for Version 1.1.1 You can edit the Z-Height of any position on the bed.

  7. #7
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    If you switch from the "stock" MakerFarm Marlin to something newer, be prepared to spend some quality time getting the config right. You are going up quite a ways in terms of Marlin versions. It's well worth doing, just don't try to do it without digging into the config's. While you are in there, set up the X,Y and Z limits to correspond to the ones on your actual build.


  8. #8
    At the moment, the only thing you need to adjust the thickness of your paper. Unless you have a very unusual piece of paper, which will be in the range of -0.05 to -0.25 mm. It has nothing to do with the data from the G29. It relates only to your paper. Make sure your G code information in its appropriate default to run on these beds.

    MODERATOR NOTE: Post is late to appear due to unexpected delays in obtaining moderator approval
    Last edited by printbus; 09-16-2016 at 11:05 AM.

  9. #9
    Thanks Everyone. These instructions saved me quite a bit of time. All is good now, but I did come across one other little issue and I think I figured out how to solve it. After a coupe good test prints, I found my servo (g90) was jittering and during abl, Instead of going to rotation 155 (perfect straight up and down) it would go a little too far. This caused the micro switch to touch on the body first, flex the bed, then trigger the switch. This only happens during abl, so I beleave it is getting and interference signal from all the wires it's grouped with from the print head. I turned on the "servo off" setting in configuration H, but no change. I am thinking of adding a ferrite ring to the servo wire to see if that cancels out the jitter. At home when nothing is happening, I can send a prionterface command to raise and lower serve abl arm. 70, 155. It's perfect. Only while other things are running (filament heat and fan) does it not go perfectly into position.

    does this make sense to add a ferrite ring?

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Pennsylvania, USA

    What you describe is normal with a "cheap" servo. The jitter will change with temperature on many of them.


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