Hey everyone !!
It's been a bit since my last post. I've been kept busy with the usual life things but I have managed to get some time in learning 3D modeling.
I'm using Cheetah 3D v7b16. It's a very competent modeler and also has fantastic animation and rendering capabilities too!

I've been modeling some new and even "replacement' parts for the Peachy. I will have a bevy of pics available once I actually print them...not quite ready yet.

I've been experimenting with rafting options for prints too. With short flat prints, having them attach to the mesh is a problem as your whole print could be destroyed removing it. Using a small raft would give you something that can attach to the mesh and leave your print unharmed.
So far, the rafts appear to be too thick and could be difficult to remove from the mesh.
I will also experiment with adding a vertical plane or two underneath the print by adding it directly to the model before it even gets to the slicer.
This way, there is very little to remove and the print gets supported. Again, I will have pics of everything once I find time to do some prints.

I will likely contact the Slic3r developers and see if this "light rafting" can be added as an option to Slic3r. We will see what happens.

My updates for the next month will likely be sparse but there is always more to come...