If you want a way of printing faster with Simplify 3d without upgrading your machine lol,

Think about what your printing, a video by the 3d printing nerd inspired me to start looking at my prints differently.

We all use infill wayyyyyy too much, and not for the right reasons.

With simplify 3d you have SOOO much more available options for you, you can print with 0 infill with a spiral vase biuld if you have nothing too crazy (limited by the models shapes of course), you can use multiple processes to print different infill percentages for different sections of the build (very handy).
Also, check your bottom and top solid options, the outer shell layers too can impact a build.
I never really mess with the actual print speed, I try my best to tune my processes and orienation etc.

Theres way too much to consider when printing something.