Quote Originally Posted by curious aardvark View Post
lol one of the things I print quite a lot of are funnels.
Being able to make them exactly the size you want is really useful. Plus they print pretty quickly and are a really short openscad script.

Even the ones I made 2.5 years ago that are in regular use, are absolutely fine.

Got a pla one in my car I use to fill my windscreen washer bottle. been using it for a couple of years. No signs of wear or degradation. It just gets shaken and put back in car - I don't dry it.

Hell I even made a special nozzle for piping bags to make filling profiteroles much easier.
Funnels are great things to make :-)

But I don't tend to use then for solvents. water, not an issue.
Post the script, save me the work.