Quote Originally Posted by PhotoSteve View Post

And yet still not practical in terms of justifying the cost. I can pick up a citrus juicer from the 99cent store for example.
My printer estimates that I can print the juicer at normal settings for $1.44 in 5 hours and 33 minutes.

That’s over your estimate of $0.99 but I can have it right now in any color I want.

Imagine browsing a website like Amazon, but you can simply print whatever you buy. No shipping, no handling, no angry calls to UPS… just a juicer sitting on your print bed.

We’re already there with sites like thingiverse.

I can drive to Target and buy a toothbrush holder, or I can go here http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:265761 and print one for nearly nothing.

I had assumed that all my prints would cost more than the same item could be mass produced in China. As I tally the cost of my prints, it’s a lot closer than I thought. Combine that with the incredible convince of being able to just “click” on an item and watch it print in front of you… I’d say it’s already practical, or at least desirable.