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  1. #21
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    would be an idea to change diameter to 1.75
    Feedstock multiplier - otherwise known as extrusion percentage.
    Should be 1 - although I think I ran s3d wit it at 0.9 for quite a while before noticing.
    Tend to run at 1 these days, can't say I've noticed any significant difference.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Brummen, Netherlands
    Quote Originally Posted by Sebastian Finke View Post
    Is the CTC another Replicator clone? If so, did you calibrate the extruder? I ask because this jumped out at me:

    "feedDiameter" : 1.769999980926514,
             "feedstockMultiplier" : 0.930,
    Those two settings partly neutralize each other. Translated to 1.75mm the feedmultiplier is 0.978 which seems to be OK. I use 0.900 - 0.950 for PLA on my machines with good results. ( I also use 1.00 for ABS and 0.98 for PETG by the way).

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Alibert View Post
    Those two settings partly neutralize each other. Translated to 1.75mm the feedmultiplier is 0.978 which seems to be OK. I use 0.900 - 0.950 for PLA on my machines with good results. ( I also use 1.00 for ABS and 0.98 for PETG by the way).
    Very odd. On my machine (FFCX) with Makerware and a filament diameter of 1.75mm I have to set my feedstockmultiplier to 1.05...

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Brummen, Netherlands
    There is another setting that is directly linked to these two and that is the steps/mm of the extruder. Basically the software calculates how much volume of plastic it needs to lay down, and calculates how many mm of filament it needs to extrude (how many steps it needs) to do this from the diameter and the steps/mm of the extuder setting. The firmware setting may be a tad off from reality.

    This is just the first rough estimate. The feedstock multiplier is a fudge-ing parameter to account for a multitude of effects such as material characteristics (viscosity, which is a function of temperature), printing speed etc.

    What the extruder actually extrudes is not exactly what the extruder tries to push out as due to the backpressure the teeth of the extruder gear will slip/deform the filament a bit. The latter effect depends on backpressure and thus on viscosity and nozzle diameter, which in turn depends on printing temperature, polymer characteristics and printing speed. Also the squashing pressure of the filament between gear and pulley will have an effect as it deforms the filament which in turn has an effect on the amount of slip.

    So at different printing speeds/temperatures you mayl need different feedstock multipliers, especially if you push the speed very high or temperature very low (both increasing the backpressure a lot). At lower speeds/higher temps the feedstock multiplier has less importance. Also, each printer will need a slighty different feedstock multiplier due to the multitude of effects/settings. It is a fine-tuning parameter after all.
    Last edited by Alibert; 07-05-2016 at 01:35 AM.

  5. #25
    Super Moderator Geoff's Avatar
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    Ailbert, just use Makerware - it's giving me great prints from the CTC. Just load the replicator dual profile and go for it.
    Hex3D - 3D Printing and Design

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