It doesn't look like Skanect supports the Kinnect V2, or has any plan to. You can read about why on Skanect's forum page:!to...ct/j8-hqrZIu-U , although at least part of the reason probably is due to Microsoft providing the necessary software for free. The V2 has a different sort of sensor than the V1; it works off a "time of flight" algorithm, and seems better at capturing detail on smaller objects. There were some problems integrating it into the 3D Builder application built into Windows 10, but they seem to have worked them out now, according to Microsoft, which has some videos demonstrating its use (particularly #5):

I'm not sure if they've worked out a way to couple different scanners together to capture a single object; you might ask them about that. But they do seem to prefer putting human subjects on a turntable and rotating them to the walk-around method. If you do put any of this into practice, please post back here with your results, okay?

Andrew Werby