I tried some of the above suggestions and got the following results...

Settings: Nozzle temp 205, bed temp 50
Result: Filament came out and glommed up. Nothing would stick to the bed.

Settings: Nozzle temp 205, bed temp 60 w/glue stick on bed.
Result: Fliament came out glommed up. Nothing would stick to the bed

Settings: Nozzle temp 170, bed temp 0 w/glue stick on bed.
Result: Filament would not feed at all.

Settings: Nozzle temp 230, bed temp 0 w/glue stick on bed.
Results: Filament feeds well, sticks to bed completely. (At this time it's only about 20% completed with the print but far more successful than any previous attempts with PLA material)

Thanks again.