Quote Originally Posted by BCarv View Post
I need some assistance in resizing an existing STL. It is a representation of percussion instrument - a triangle. I would like to reduce the size of each of it's sides to about 120mm and increase the diameter of the round to 14mm. Any help would be appreciated.
Also having trouble uploading the stl file
This will require either, 1). the redrawing of the model in CAD software or 2). the import of the model into CAD software and then rejigging. 1) as Curious Aardvark suggests is probably the easiest as it is a triangle which is presumably a simply model. Re-scaling it in the slicer software will not work as you want to change the relative size of dimensions to one another.

You will need to draw a path, representing the triangle and then draw the circle of the correct diameter and then extrude the circle along the path that you have drawn, it's called sweeping we believe.