Quote Originally Posted by violetprincess View Post
Anyone have any experience printing with any metal filled filaments, like copperfil or brassfil? Is there any noticeable advantage to having the metal other than how it looks, compared with a traditional PLA for example? In what scenario is a metal filled filament advantageous to a 100% plastic?
It is primarily the effect. They look very good when sanded and polished up so for statues, for example, they can produce a very good effect. The other notable difference, as people have mentioned, is weight; they are a lot heavier than conventional plastic filaments. One thing to note is that copperfill / BrassFill has a low breaking resistance so you would not want to use them in a print where strength was required, in this instance a hollow form with weight added after the print may be better.

ColorFabb metal filaments also print very well but you could use there standard PLA mix for this.

We would recommend giving them ago though as they are very easy to print with and, given the right model, can have a stunning effect. Here is a horse that we printed in CopperFill.