Hey there,

Looking to buy a first 3D printer. I don't live in the US so there aren't that plenty to choose from here in the EU.
Don't mind building one from a kit.What I am looking for is to learn 3D printing(I do 3D modeling in my spare time) and to get a printer that has a very good cost to quality ratio, that can allow me to also build small bot rather solid stuff like cogs, keychains or even phone cases, and a 3D printer that's easy to upgrade later on and that won't die on my anytime soon.
My budget is below 700 USD. I'd be glad if there are any quality DIY kits on ebay that require more tinkering than prusa (e.g. building your own frame) but cost much less.

Below are my options so far, but any other proposal available on ebay is welcomed.

1. The latest and greatest but it is around 700 USD for me + shipping

2. a local guy selling what looks like a very old version of prusa, around 460 USD
aluminium chassis 6mm
-minitronics electronics with drivers DRV8825
-cogwheels and drive belts T2.5
-motors 0.4Nm
-hotend JHead with termistor, 1.75mm filament and printing head 0.5mm
-mechanical endstops
-no hotbed
-power from the computer it is connected to
3. These look like the original prusa but I inderstand that I should avoid plexiglass frame and go for the steel version, around 360USD plus shipping

4. A lot of 3d printers from Geeetech that look like prusa knockoffs, around 360USD plus shipping, will I notice the difference between these and a more expensive prusa original? Are these the chinese knock-offs everyone says we should avoid?

Thanks in advance