I'm ready for my first build. Since I cannot connect my fan until I get the correct screws for it (in a couple of days), I'm going to try something with ABS. I'm assuming the fan really isn't required for ABS. Is that a bad assumption? At least to do a test build. Also, I have a question about removing the object from the build plate once its done. Am I supposed to remove it as soon as the print has completed or when everything has cooled off? I read so much about the difficulties removing the object, I wasn't sure what is best. Also, my plate came covered with a blue material (see photo). Should I just use that as-is, or should I cover it with blue painters table, glue stick, something else? Is it correct that people cover the plate with different materials in order to get the print to stick to the plate and not because that are trying to assist in removing the object? Sorry for the questions. Trying my best to research first and not ask the same question twice.


