Quote Originally Posted by Shinobi View Post
ok guys no need to get angry at each other... so i think you all agree on one thing: it seems to be a software issue and not hardware related. right?
i already tried some higher extrusion multiplier settings (5%), but the print gets worse.

the filament i use did not come with the printer. i bought it, because i heard it is supposed to be good. i will try to measure the filament diameter and adjust it. i use sailfish and i think i didn't mention that i'm on a flashforge creator pro, but since those machines are basically the same i think it should make no difference.

i will also try to print some reference prints to see if the stepper motor settings are correct, but some step by step tutorial would be great
It is a software issue (or firmware) for sure and not anything hardware related is correct.

As far as he goes no anger I just simply put him on my ignore list after he did me (nice feature I didn't even know about). I did remove my posts to him so as not to clutter up the thread and possibly spur more into it.

Now that we have tried the extrusion multiplier (I hate that "feature" btw as it is just a bandage) have you marked 100mm distance on the filament and told it to extrude 100mm to see if it precisely extrudes the 100mm in mid air?