Curious aardvark, thank you for taking this on. But I did not know you were from UK. I was hoping to find some one here in the USA for I do not have to mess with shipping over seas. Is this forum from UK? I search USA 3D printing forum and this one came up first.

You did bring up a good point about getting the right measurements for people know what they have to put together, than trying to figure it out in that picture. I was thinking about making two circles with my word program that would be the right over all size of the two gears. In other words, print out paper gears that are the sizes I need made up. Then let people know what I need done.

I have already emailed some people for help. But I have yet heard back from them.

I like your effort you are putting in to this for me, but I rather work with someone in the usa, because I am going to need more gears if these two gears work first. That would be to much shipping over seas.

Thanks thou!