I don't recall changing anything in config.adv.

The process is to first go through the regular mechanical leveling, setting the z-stop in the xy home position, and making sure that the other three corners are set to the same gap.

From that point, you go through the manual mesh leveling process, which allows for both positive and negative z-corrections..., wherein corrected/effective z can actually dip below the end-stop limited Z (but only by a very limited amount). So..., the bed has to be mechanically level within this z tolerance, and then you use mesh leveling.

Don't forget to store results in EEPROM when done.

FWIW, the steps I follow after burning new firmware are:

  • from the control panel...
  • reset to "factory" config (these are the settings you set in Configuration.h)
  • store to EEPROM
  • do manual mesh leveling.
  • store to EEPROM

It's not clear to me what the compatibility is in EEPROM from build to build, so I go with better safe than sorry and redo it whenever I update the firmware.

Also, FWIW..., I have to do the full mechanical leveling very rarely these days, so maybe do the mesh leveling every couple of weeks or so. I have a fairly consistent heating "protocol", so things settle down pretty repeatably. Will be switching to a metal Y-plate when I have some tinkering time, which I assume will improve stability over time even further.

Quote Originally Posted by ROBOCOP View Post
Does anything need to be changed in config.adv ? How does mesh work with the fixed Z endstop on the i3v? Im having trouble understanding that. With the robo the xaxis lifts of the z rods which triggers the endstops so it basically z homes below the bed .With the makerfarm the fixed z endstop would be above the bed so how do you do the leveling process?