That is awesome man! I have to ask you though, did you get the QIDI before you got the makerbot replicator 2X or after? Reason I ask is if the Makerbot is junk, the QIDI was an exact copy, why would you risk it? I did a lot of research before I purchased. I was on the fence before I saw this and the price point I just couldn't pass up! Have you done any upgrades to your printer? What software are you using for design? I've been experimenting with Fusion 360, SketchUp 2016, and Blender. I need easy for novice. I want to learn design. My problem now is, i'm able to muddle my way to make something, then when I check it, there is always a problem like Self intersection surfaces or Non Manifold edges. I don't know what I'm doing wrong when I make my designs. They are very simple shapes with push pull and holes but always issues???

Quote Originally Posted by KludgeGuru View Post
The goal at work is to have a printer that can print exotic materials such as Tungsten and Bismuth loaded filament.. We already have 3 Stratasys uPrint SE Plus printers which are our work horses but material wise they don't have many options. We have a Makerbot Replicator 2X at work but it is just a piece of junk, I've spent 3 weeks trying to get it to print correctly and I'm still having problems. So I've given up on the Makebot and going to try the Qidi which I've been very happy with at home.

On a side note we have many Mechanical engineers at work that utilize the Stratasys printers, but I'm very proud of having the record for the longest printing project. I designed some test boxes which took 2 printers 5 weeks to complete with near constant printing. My project was the reason we purchased the 3rd printer.