The way I look at this is that Ryan previously offered a refund to a user that asked, which tells me that these guys mean well. For that I don't mind supporting them and waiting because they don't even have to do that. We got into this spending $100+ and I know I've wasted more than that on less. I think the problem is with some KickStarter campaigns being slimy about their campaign. Oculus Rift being the bigger attention getter. With that said, I think it's a sign of being unorganized that the laser certification is being attempted right now, however it's a good sign that the product will go to market soon.

I could have purchased an M3D, but that's over $300 and right now I have no clue what I'm going to even print with my $100 3D printer. It's really just a toy that will spawn a hobby. So whereas I know I will be waiting, I'd like to know what accessories will be available for my new printer? 8)