Quote Originally Posted by Definitivecars View Post
Hey guys,

So I made my first thing in 123D. Its a box for a temperature sensor. On the bottom and top there are recesses for nuts and screw heads to hold it together. I was hoping I could set the support threshold low enough that it would only support the recesses and not all the other holes around the box. The All of the square holes around the box print great with no support.

I was hoping that the option to force support for the first X layers would have fixed this for me, but it doesnt seem to do anything.

Is there any way I can do this in Slic3r? Or am I looking at having to buy simplify3d? Or is there another slicer that can do this that it free? I really like slic3r, at least for being a free software, and I have gotten to know it pretty well so dont really want to switch if I dont have to.


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Hi Jamie,

Yes can be done in Slicer easily, you will just need to create a profile for the flashforge. Set your build area as X)220mm Y)14mm Z)15mm and maker sure you add a G28 Gcode to the scripts so it does a home before print.