Quote Originally Posted by M2ATG View Post
Hello guys.

Reading the thread you seem to have cured your problem. Any insight into any thing in particular as a fix?

I have tried to remove filament with the extruder apart, also tried excessive heat (Pre-Heat@250) in order to melt whatever is blocking the nozzle.

Not really sure how to proceed... dissemble and clean tubes / 0.4mm drill bits / Threaded feeder tubes / possible replacement parts.

Found UZTHEDENTIST on youtube with mods and fixes(ideas above).

This is my 2nd printer from CTC (printchainstore) that took them 5 weeks to replace. I have started proceedings on ebay, upon arrival of the 2nd printer the PSU Fan bearings sound warn and whine while trying to spin up, not sure if the fans have a cut off if there is too much resistance on them that they stop. Now the extruder failing to function. Has been a right game so far.

see my links to youtube videos:


Any help is appreciated.
I bought my printer off printchainstore too, it seems they are selling second hand, refurbished and ex-faulty printers possibly - so far nearly everyone who has received one has had these problems. I had a long list, including a deep scratch in the aluminum bed and also a faulty extruder motor.

I had to use an electric guitar string and clean out the nozzle pipes specifically on the left extruder plus a tired old motor, they sent it out completely blocked and unusable without repair.

I have to say, overall this was not a particularly happy purchase for me.