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Thread: Taz 5 problems

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  1. #4
    Student Adamseye's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Ocean County NJ
    The charmander was printed 4x scale at 50mm with 3 perimeters 205 hotend, and 60 bed. I think 3-4 tops/bottoms. I am pretty sure the outer perimeters were at 30mm/s but I could be wrong. I have printed a few more at 2x scale with the same results. This was printed out of the box, from this print on I have been changing and tuning nothing seems to take it away.

    The test tube hexagon thing, I printed those single wall from 15mm/s to 50mm/s and did not see much change in the banding, it did how ever reduce the ringing. I also did a temp variation on the tubes, from 190-210 as well as the adjusting the flow rate. 96-98 seemed to be a good spot after resetting the e steps to 831 based off 100mm extrusions and the math. My test cubes came out really close to 20x20x10 that I printed after the calibration.

    I even tried changing infill from none to 100, still left the same bands. The test print that comes with the taz even shows a banding effect, although not as bad and noticeable. I have to just assume here that when testing a printer with such volume, a 20mm tall test print is going to leave a lot of the machine untested. As I have noticed with my prints the first 20mm's look okay, after that it's all downhill.

    The one thing I have noticed is like the charmander shows it, where as the t rex skull I printed in transparent green the banding is not near as noticeable although it is still there. That I think is caused by the filament absorbing the light instead of reflecting it because it is visible in the orange skull I printed.

    This test tube photo shows how the transparent filament looks great head on, but any other angle reveals the banding. Since most lighting is top down, when you put these down on a desk in front of you the bands seem to pop out.
    I think this was printed at max 25mm/s head on the layers look great, but when you look at the corners you see the bands are still there, just much harder to see.

    I hope that is the info you needed, if I left anything out feel free to let me know!
    Last edited by Adamseye; 03-15-2016 at 01:53 PM. Reason: typos

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