Quote Originally Posted by cjalas View Post
The basic hardware and software still applies though. I have the wood frame CTC version btw.

As to the OP's issue(s), I definitely recommend installing Sailfish firmware (7.7). Go to thingiverse.com, search for Sailfish, download and follow the instructions to the letter. It can be time consuming but it's worth it. Also I use Simplify3D for my slicer software, literally the best investment you could ever make for 3d printing (it's $150 software).
Yes, that firmware and software are very Good, from what I've read,
but are Not really necessary to get Good quality prints.
We still use original firmware and Makerbot-2.4 slicer and get Great prints.
(It does take a while to learn to use the old 2.4 slicer though,
it's all there but not easy to find everything)