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  1. #1

    Hotend Overflowing

    So i was having problems with my nozzle being clogged so i decided to just replace the nozzle and the throat after multiple attempts of clearing it, plus it was getting pretty grungy anyways. I had never had an overflow problem until now. I replaced both the nozzle and the throat and now the assembly overflows plastic. I replaced it the first time, and my block rotated out of place because the throat wasn't tightly screwed in, and it began to overflow. So i replaced both of them again because i have some spares, this time making sure things were tight(or at least tighter than before). Nothing shifted or rotated but it still began to overflow, but this time not as quickly. Am i just not getting the assembly screwed in tight enough? Any help is much appreciated, thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by WDilenian View Post
    So i was having problems with my nozzle being clogged so i decided to just replace the nozzle and the throat after multiple attempts of clearing it, plus it was getting pretty grungy anyways. I had never had an overflow problem until now. I replaced both the nozzle and the throat and now the assembly overflows plastic. I replaced it the first time, and my block rotated out of place because the throat wasn't tightly screwed in, and it began to overflow. So i replaced both of them again because i have some spares, this time making sure things were tight(or at least tighter than before). Nothing shifted or rotated but it still began to overflow, but this time not as quickly. Am i just not getting the assembly screwed in tight enough? Any help is much appreciated, thanks in advance!
    The threaded guide-tube in top of block (throat) must be seated tightly to the top of nozzle, inside block.
    If nozzle is in all the way, then the set-screw holding tube must be loosened to allow tightening tube in further.

    (the threaded end of nozzle or end of guide-tube could be deformed someway also, allowing it to leak)

    Some nozzles have longer threads than others.
    Replacing them with Short threaded ones may not seat to tube properly.
    So tube must be moved when using the shorter nozzles.

    Note: Changing that will require Re-setting the 'nozzle to bed' height adjustment
    Last edited by EagleSeven; 02-29-2016 at 08:35 AM.

  3. #3
    Staff Engineer LambdaFF's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    France, Aix en Provence
    What he said. On top of that, do you do that hot or cold ? Respect the manufacturer's recommendation.

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