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Thread: Wilson 2

  1. #1
    Super Moderator JohnA136's Avatar
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    Wilson 2

    Has anyone on here Printed/Assembled a Wilson 2? Any hints or known issues we should be concerned with? TIA

  2. #2
    Super Moderator JohnA136's Avatar
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    I guess nobody is interested in a large format RepRap printer. We finished printing all the parts and started the assembly. So far, so good.


  3. #3
    Super Moderator JohnA136's Avatar
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    Printer is complete. Will calibrate and test print this week. Assembly looks beefy and stable.


    No idea why my pics are not orienting correctly when I upload them? Even tried rotating to no avail?
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  4. #4
    Super Moderator Roxy's Avatar
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    That looks very nice!

  5. #5
    Super Moderator JohnA136's Avatar
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    Thanks Roxy, my son wanted something new to take to the Midwest RepRap conference

  6. #6
    Super Moderator JohnA136's Avatar
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    Here is the first print on the Wilson.


    Just learned that Joe Prusa is flying out for the Midwest RepRap Conference in March.

  7. #7
    Super Moderator JohnA136's Avatar
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    Well, we had to re-do the belt idler bearings to smooth out the prints, much better results now. I'll call this printer ready to put in the line now!

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  8. #8
    Super Moderator Geoff's Avatar
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    Nice! I am interested in a large scale one! as soon as I get my normal scale one working properly..

    I changed the extruder to a geared extruder - it works really well, but I'm having trouble calculating or knowing how to calculate the new steps per axis. Nothing else on the machine changed, so it's wierd.. The extrusion is perfect, it's not the extruder steps, it's the Z steps.

    My print starts off really well - the first layer is perfect, but instead of it raising the Z axis by 0.2mm increments to print each layer, it does the base layer perfect, then the next one at like 0.4mm high, then the next one at 0.8mm high etc..
    It's way out of whack :/

    Oh well, gonna be one of those Sundays!
    Hex3D - 3D Printing and Design

  9. #9
    Super Moderator JohnA136's Avatar
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    Sounds like something might be wired wrong, double check everything first. One time I had one jumper off under the stepper driver card and it drove me crazy until we found it.

  10. #10
    Super Moderator Geoff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnA136 View Post
    Sounds like something might be wired wrong, double check everything first. One time I had one jumper off under the stepper driver card and it drove me crazy until we found it.
    Ironically haven't changed any wiring after it was working fine, just the firmware is a completely new one so it's still getting setup. The prusa calculator and all the other things just confuse the hell out of me..

    I think I might have it, I think the steps per unit for Z were stupidly off.. Everything official is telling me 4000, the calculator telling me 2560, but all the forums saying 394...

    Seems like 394 did the trick lol or close too it, just fine tuning now.

    I often forget that there is a tonne of controls in the LCD panel, I barely even look at it because Im punching in commands to pronterface... But yeah I adjusted the E steps and the Z steps and she is printing again... This prusa has been the only pain the ass printer i've built. I swear im sticking to kossels if I can't get this sorte haha.. they are so easy to calibrate compared to this, or at least to the point where the prints are A1.

    Anyone who is ever on Ebay and sees those $390 clear acrylic prusa printers.. and you think to yourself.. hmm maybe.. could it be any good for $390?? 1.75mm, 0.4mm nozzle, 20x20x20....

    Well, a year later and it's cost alot more than that. A new extruder (didn't skimp, got a merlin Hexagonal) (as they sent 3mm with the kit!! ) their hotend assembly was so cheap it broke in 5 minutes of printing, printed a new geared extruder... bought new hobbed gears, new steppers etc..

    Never by anything with "Sintron" or "Aurora" in the title.
    Hex3D - 3D Printing and Design

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