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  1. #1

    Question Initial test line is wavy

    I'm still fairly new to 3D printing, so sorry if I do a poor job explaining this issue.

    When the printer lays down the initial line of filament at the front of the build plate before it starts the print, the line starts out oddly wavy. I also have a Makerbot and have never seen the Makerbot do this, so I'm not sure what the issue might be. Pictures attached to make this a bit clearer. The waviness seems to clear up by the end of the line, but I'm not sure what's going on and if it's affecting the rest of the print (as I've been having some problems with prints lately).

    Printer: FlashForge Creator Pro (dual extruder) -- only printing with the right extruder right now
    Software: Makerware
    Filament: PLA

    It did this with the default Makerware print settings, and also when I slowed down the first layer speed (as I was having some issues with the first layer adhering without a raft).

    February 17, 2016 at 0257PM (1).jpgFebruary 17, 2016 at 0257PM.jpg

  2. #2
    It looks like your extruder isn't close enough to the bed when doing the first layer. Sometimes filament comes out wavy like that when you run hot filament through the extruder without printing. My guess is that the same thing is happening very close to the bed, but it's not quite squishing the first layer like it should.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2014
    I second what GammaRays says. I was having the exact same issue with my prints, and I had to get my bed closer (or the extruders closer to the bed). When they say to use a sheet of paper where it "barely fits through", they really mean BARELY. That paper thinness has to be very exact, almost having the extruder touching the bed.

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