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  1. #11
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    Hi Dunginhawk,

    That's exactly why we wanted to open this discussion up. Feedback from existing Maker's is the most valuable thing we can hope to get. We want to get into the Maker space and even if we are makers ourselves, we know there are a lot of maker out there will a lot of ideas and passions. Most importantly if we want to make a Maker product, we want to make a Maker product Makers want to use.

    We've already started using some of our features from our prototype and we are finding them to be quite convenient. We really hope to make something people will be excited to use for all their printing needs.

  2. #12
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    I don't see it as being over useful for home users - but for a small company who are using 3d printers for small scale bespoke manufacturing, being able to easily manage a lot of printers from the one interface would be useful.

    Also print bureas and services with a fair few machines.

    So yeah definitely see a market for it. But probably not where you foresee one :-)

    The other thing is your website is one of those I absolutely hate.
    Lots of wordage with vague assertations.
    Absolutely bugger all actual real detail.

    It has - unfortunately - become the current fashion for new device websites.
    Basically lots of crap that looks shiny to total idiots, but bugger all actual hard info.

    So there's this box - probably - couldn't find a picture of an actual box, just a drawn image of an xbox.

    How big is it, what connections does it have, how many printers can you physically plug into it. And if it only connects to your printer wirelessly - do you buy special pre-programmed wifi sd cards for each printer, or usb dongles for machines without sd card slots.
    Given that most printers aren't wifi enabled.

    That's the kind of actual information the maker community likes. Not ephemeral marketing graphics aimed at corporate buyers who have zero technical expertise.

    And yeah this is a rant - not just aimed at makerx - but at all the same type of new launch idiot aimed websites I've seen in the last few years.
    Give actual info of actual physical things. Not just ephemeral cartoons :-)
    Last edited by curious aardvark; 02-17-2016 at 10:15 AM.

  3. #13
    To out-sell the present competition you will need a New, Reliable and Easy-to-use design,
    sold at a lot lower cost !
    Not just another Copy !
    Most people are Not going to be fooled by Sales-Hype !
    since the Internet allows them to Know most of the Facts before buying.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by curious aardvark View Post
    I don't see it as being over useful for home users - but for a small company who are using 3d printers for small scale bespoke manufacturing, being able to easily manage a lot of printers from the one interface would be useful.

    Also print bureas and services with a fair few machines.

    So yeah definitely see a market for it. But probably not where you foresee one :-)
    Our vision would be that each printer would have it's own MakerX attached to it. Though technically possible to put multiple printers on a single MakerX, it would increase the back end complexity a bit and reduce the personalization allowed to suit each printer. We hope to attract both markets, but value your thoughts on the subject since we are definitely still in the design stages. I idea is to give every printer, regardless of it's price, a lot of very useful and convenient functions to make everyone's lives easier in the world of 3D printing.

    Quote Originally Posted by curious aardvark View Post
    The other thing is your website is one of those I absolutely hate.
    Lots of wordage with vague assertations.
    Absolutely bugger all actual real detail.

    It has - unfortunately - become the current fashion for new device websites.
    Basically lots of crap that looks shiny to total idiots, but bugger all actual hard info.
    We are definitely missing some specific details, but we believe everything we've designed so far is within the scope of possibility. I understand the frustration though. Pie in the sky ideas with no execution is not very encouraging and as an Engineer it's easy to roll your eyes at such things.

    Quote Originally Posted by curious aardvark View Post
    So there's this box - probably - couldn't find a picture of an actual box, just a drawn image of an xbox.
    We actually did prototype, print and polish that box as our design. We have the physical box in the office for our first prototype.

    Quote Originally Posted by curious aardvark View Post
    How big is it, what connections does it have, how many printers can you physically plug into it. And if it only connects to your printer wirelessly - do you buy special pre-programmed wifi sd cards for each printer, or usb dongles for machines without sd card slots.
    Given that most printers aren't wifi enabled.
    Thank you for pointing this out, we should probably clarify better on the website. The intention is to take the USB cable from the printer, which normally talked to the computer directly, and plug it into MakerX. MakerX then becomes the device that makes your printer wireless.

    We want to cater to your typical 3D printer to get their input on our features, so I really appreciate your honest feedback on the subject.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by EagleSeven View Post
    To out-sell the present competition you will need a New, Reliable and Easy-to-use design,
    sold at a lot lower cost !
    Not just another Copy !
    Most people are Not going to be fooled by Sales-Hype !
    since the Internet allows them to Know most of the Facts before buying.
    I completely agree and I want MakerX to be all of these things. Reliable and easy to use are our first priority in this project. We believe there's a gap in this market that we want to close for our 3D printing needs and we hope to do that for everyone. Our team is very technical and we are not trying to promise anything we don't think we can provide reliably.

  6. #16
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    but we believe everything we've designed so far is within the scope of possibility
    OOh, 'scope of possibility'. So not an actual tried and tested thing then :-)

    Ah one box per printer. See now that's definitely NOT what i got from the survey and the website. I definitely got a lord of the rings 'One Ring To Rule Them All' vibe.
    Which I thought was a good idea.
    So this would just be an add on box for a single printer. Hmm, then it would have to be very cheap indeed. Or people would simply buy a printer that already had a control panel and lcd attached.
    Or buy a $40 android tablet, velcro it to the front of the machine and use octodroid.
    Or some cloud based thing software.

    And I have to admit, I'm impressed by the fact that you're answering all us cynics and standing your ground - good on yer :-)

    If you need any beta testers - I'll give it a go :-)
    Last edited by curious aardvark; 02-17-2016 at 12:48 PM.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by curious aardvark View Post
    OOh, 'scope of possibility'. So not an actual tried and tested thing then :-)
    We are in the design stages. Some of the functionality we have built into our prototype which we have been actively using to print these days. We are continuing to develop it and add more features and that's where the community feedback is really helpful. We want to design something people actually believe will improve their 3D printing experience.

    Quote Originally Posted by curious aardvark View Post
    Ah one box per printer. See now that's definitely NOT what i got from the survey and the website. I definitely got a lord of the rings 'One Ring To Rule Them All' vibe.
    Which I thought was a good idea.
    So this would just be an add on box for a single printer. Hmm, then it would have to be very cheap indeed. Or people would simply buy a printer that already had a control panel and lcd attached.
    Or buy a $40 android tablet, velcro it to the front of the machine and use octodroid.
    Or some cloud based thing software.
    We may be able to support more than one printer with each MakerX, but we are thinking of it like an extension to your printer. Affordability is definitely the goal. MakerX is intended to make it so you don't need to buy the fancy WiFi printer with an LCD attached to achieve to get the features that provides the printer. One MakerX connected to two printers would allow them to both be WiFi supported, but it would retract from the ability for the MakerX to be a universal indicator for each printer since it would be connected to two at once. Since we are still designing it is possible we will got that route.

    Quote Originally Posted by curious aardvark View Post
    And I have to admit, I'm impressed by the fact that you're answering all us cynics and standing your ground - good on yer :-)

    If you need any beta testers - I'll give it a go :-)
    Thank you for your praise, we are trying to be interactive with the community because you naturally know what you want to see. Any feedback is valuable for sure.

  8. #18
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    We've decided to give away a Delta printer! If you leave your email in the survey you will be entered to win!



  9. #19
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    Sorry, forgot to mention that the give-away will happen if we exceed 200 responses to the survey. Please share the survey with your networks to help us get feedback and increase your chances to win a printer!

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