While I agree with Sebastian, and I dont see a personal use for it, there are a lot of companies that have taken a disparate product set and combined them, branded them and sold them.

So what if its just like octoprint (thats a good product). some people dont want to go through the hassle of buying the pi, setting it up, all that jazz.
If i didnt have pis all over already and you told me for $125 i could have a maker x that did all of that straight out of the box and maybe more, i may buy it. who knows.

If i can say one thing about this forum, we are passionate makers. Dont take the negative feedback or questions (in whatever form delivered) as negative, or hurtful. USE IT as a learning experience. Us active members know EXACTLY what we want out of a product. This is your best proving grounds for honest feedback. So dont dismiss it, use it. Dont get defensive (we arent calling your baby ugly) just take it all in and see if everything still makes sense.

Good luck man. Im an entrepreneur myself, and within a year hope to bring to market (not 3d printing related at all) something that will forever change certain industries. Its not easy. stick with it.