Print caught fire??? While I can only imagine that is is possible, and has probably happened, I would assume that since the hot end is not heating the filament to the ignition temp of the material (that would tend to be counterproductive), the chances of fire are so low that I would not be putting it as your first, and ergo main, selling point.

And if you're using an arduino based system (Ramps?), having net connectivity is somewhat trivial, even if it is the somewhat clunky method of using a second board. Especially since there are many apps that can already stream and time lapse video for you.

And you don't list what printers you intend to be compatible with. I would bet a toe (one of the small ones, I like my toes) it won't be compatible with mine.

Dispatch/Queuing? I don't see the point really. I have to physically be present to remove the previous print to start the next. Even with multiple printers, they are one shot machines. I don't always do my design / preprint work at the printer, quite often it's at a remote location. I just upload the print when I get there. If the project requires multiple prints, I naturally order my prints to allow me to do other pre/post work while one is printing.

A long list of other hmmmms comes to mind also.....

Most people with a little bit of arduino experience can replicate most of these features if they wanted.