Couldn't see any direct forum areas for this, please direct me if possible. I recently decided to tinker with a kit perusal i3 upgraded acrylic. I wasn't aline as 3 friends jumped n with their own. I was first. 8mm acrylic solid kit from hictop. Wen together like a dream, exploded into prices when z stop limiter switch failed. I ended up with every giving me their kits and they went store bought. My question finally. I have hundreds of parts now, I'm building my on version. Got a melamine e 8mm box style frame. Z motor mounts from Arctic send offset polished rails and m8 threaded rod. Melamine kit used in line holders for both. I made adjusts all ok, now I got m8 lead screw to upgrade stability. None of my z carriage mounts take m8 lead screw connects, looks like m5. Ok still want lead screw but m8 versus m5. Can't find m5 lead screw? Can't find m8 options for z carriage lead screw mounts? Any thoughts? Help. Hundreds of versions but zero fits?