Quote Originally Posted by king0r View Post
Realistically how long would a small print take lets say a chess piece?
You need to define what you mean by that. As you probably have gathered by now, there are a lot of factors.
1/ how many shells do you want to have (skins).
2/ what layer thickness are you expecting (0,1mm ? 0,2mm ?)
3/ What infill do you want to have (very light 10%; mid weight 25% ; uselessly full 100%) ?
4/ Are you printing a flexible material (slower)
5/ What is the size of the model ?

The best you can do at this point : figure it yourself.
1/ download cura
2/ go to thingiverse, download a chess piece
3/ parameter cura to slice it using the following : 0,2mm layer height ; 40mm/s ; 80% speed for outer layer and full infill ; 0,45mm hotend ; no support ; 20% infill

4/ look at the result
5/ fiddle with the parameters and re-slice to see the influence.

On a personal note, I don't see why you would go to a Cube Pro : the Cube line is being stopped as of now and the Cube Pro is at best an afterthought so you'll be on your own with a company that couldn't care less about you.

Check that whatever you buy has autolevelling : it is an important feature.