Quote Originally Posted by curious aardvark View Post
try this: https://www.simplify3d.com/support/
I'm not sure there is an actual manual.

I haven't seen one - but then if you go through the stuff on the support page - you shouldn't need one. And every setting has it's own info bubble.

And google is a pretty lousy search engine, yahoo is better. dogpile gives you a selection from more than one.
so i put up the cash this last week, got laid off form my job of 21 months due to ill health (yep right before my 2yr, more rights thing kicked in) either way i got a nice payout (cant specify, confidentially clause), but anyway im finding this software well worth the money, no problems with sticking to the bed (i have a flexi build plate), dense supports are great easy to remove. i still get some sagging on the dense layer, im printing at 205 for pla, think i mite back it off to 200 see if that helps.

one called "wave tealight holder" (cant seem to find a link for it now) prints fine, but as the upper surfaces are not seen as solid, they print very thin, similar to the 2 perimeters of the rest of the print, also the inner layers are not meeting the perimeter layers, as in in getting some gaps, my bed is adjusted correctly.

any help