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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Place to Buy PLA for $25 or less a Spool? ( Winbo? )

    Its been a while since I ordered any filament, and all the places I ordered from before are now closed, or out of stock.
    I have tried a few brands now, nothing expensive (Im cheap) and so far the best luck I have had is with Winbo. But, I cant seem to find any now.
    Other brands have given me ALOT of issues with the hobbed bolt slipping.

    Anyone know a place to get Winbo?
    Or, can recommend a replacement that works well for $25 or less?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Saw SainSmart mentioned a couple times here, good price on it also.

  3. #3
    Staff Engineer
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    Careful when price-comparing based on a per-spool quantity, a lot of places seem to be selling half kilogram spools (or 1lb spools in America, which is even less than .5kg) of material. SainSmart is great stuff for the price though, you're on the right track.

    Also, any time you can get samples of filament, go for it. Trying out filament brands for yourself is the best way to find what you really like the most.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Thanks for the input, yea noticed the size/weight differences.

    Was a bit frustrating to go back to order filament, and basically every place and brand I had, it no longer available.
    I think I will order some of the SainSmart soon, people seem to like it, and,,, hopfully there still around when I order more. haha

    I have never seen any place for samples, not that I have really looked, that would be nice though, a nice little sample pack to test.
    For the most part, I have one main issue, the hobbed bolt slipping. happens ALOT to me.
    And seems to be fairly random, so I cant pin point one thing to fix it.
    I have had better luck after drastically reducing the retractions, I get some stringing here and there cuz of it, but thats better than the print failing.

  5. #5
    Technologist 3dex ltd's Avatar
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    If you were located in the UK I'd recommend ordering from us here: as I'm sure we have what you're looking for. Get in touch via if you're interested though.

    With regard to the hobbled bolt slipping have you tried increasing the tension of the wheel that keeps the filament against the bolt? The wheel on my printer is incredibly tight and Ive never had issues with filament slipping. However, if you've tried this then maybe its small variations in filament diameter or finish. It must ruin any print that it occurs on?

  6. #6
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    Yea UK suppliers wont really help me, shipping is always an issue. Thanks for the offer though.

    I have messed with the tension on the hobbed bolt, I have had it pretty tight before, to the point its putting pretty deep notches in the filament.
    Not tried it SUPER tight before, read that you dont want it digging into the filament super deep.

    When it slips, it eats a grove in the filament, and can no longer grab it to feed it, so,, the print continues with the printer not extruding.
    So yea, frustrating, cuz that ruins every print that it happens on. I have had it happen after 5 minutes, and 5 hours.

  7. #7
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    As far I understand, Winbo nowdays mostly selling for retailers or bundle it to theirs printers.

  8. #8
    I've had good luck with Inland PLA & ABS from About $15 per 1kg, plus about $5 shipping for the first spool and $1 extra per spool after that (at least for my location).

  9. #9
    Technologist 3dex ltd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jtice View Post
    Yea UK suppliers wont really help me, shipping is always an issue. Thanks for the offer though.

    I have messed with the tension on the hobbed bolt, I have had it pretty tight before, to the point its putting pretty deep notches in the filament.
    Not tried it SUPER tight before, read that you dont want it digging into the filament super deep.

    When it slips, it eats a grove in the filament, and can no longer grab it to feed it, so,, the print continues with the printer not extruding.
    So yea, frustrating, cuz that ruins every print that it happens on. I have had it happen after 5 minutes, and 5 hours.
    No worries, always happy to help though.

    Sounds like you do have your hobbed bolt very tight if its making deep notches. Very unusual then and I can't think what it might be. Theres nothing more frustrating than a ruined print!

  10. #10
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    as fasr a ssamples go: now has us centre :-)
    check them out - excellent company.

    Now if you want probably the best filament around try

    Yeah it's a bit pricier - but the pla is based on ingeo pellets - I reckon the best pla in the business.
    Because it's so good you get bugger all waste as prints pretty much always work (well you won't get any filament based issues - how well you use your machine is out of the filamnent manufacturers hands :-)

    Having looked around - it seems that better quality filament is much easier to buy and cheaper in the uk than the states. weird. Good for me :-)

    Now did you check amazon ?
    I just did.
    plenty for 22.95 inc delivery - hatchbox for 22.95 in most colours - never tried it but it does have a good name.
    also sainsmart for 25.95.
    Argos for 22.95 - hell there's loads of the stuff :-)
    Last edited by curious aardvark; 01-16-2016 at 11:22 AM.

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