OK - I have bought simplify3d.

This was about 100 GBP. This equates to:
- About 5 kilo of filament
- About 38 pints of decent beer
- About 14 bottles of reasonable wine
- About 600 miles on a full tank of diesel (Audi A8)
- 3 good chinese deliveries for two
- 50 UK lottery tickets with a one in 45 million chance of winning

So not a bad investment.

Half way through first print of a Buddha statue.

My Findings:
- Brilliant Z layer definition at 200 microns. Much better than Slic£r.
- Brilliant bridging although only over small distances - again much better than other slicing tools for some reason.
- Default settings seem to perform much better than the standard config files supplied by MakerFarm for Slic£r. This could suggest that adjusting Slic£r settings would result in the same.

The only thing I am currently missing is how to see what the print is doing on each layer in Simplify3D? I can go to machine settings and see time to run, but I would like to be able to view each layer being printed as I can in Pronterface. Can't work out how to do that, but sure it is there somewhere. That would help me understand when to speed up and when to slow down.

So for me, this is looking positive, but the jury is out!