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  1. #1

    Don't want to wait any longer..

    I backed the Peachy Printer via IndieGogo on 02/13/2014 with $135. When backed the estimated arrival was set to "August 2014".

    Okay, then some delays occured as we all know. Months passed, some blog entries and "proof of concept" pictures were published but the release date was postponed again and again.

    Today I read the the last update from 01/04.. it says "(..) and help the support community scale smoothly as more people receive their printers over the coming months.".

    So, it seems there are some more months left to wait.

    I am finally done. Is there a way I can get my money back? Don't wanna wait any longer, sorry..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    San Diego
    With all due respect, the shipping was always going to happen in stages over the course of a few months. That is pretty much the kickstarter status quo. Kickstarter pledges are unconditional donations. That is why many people have absolutely nothing to show for a huge number of kickstarters where the creators took the money and ran. What you have done is made a donation to a company to help get them off the ground. It is a very kind thing you have done, but to take it away now weakens the project for everyone.

    It is interesting that this update is the final straw, since this update talks about how they are starting to ship units. You will have waited the entire delay period and will have your $135 dollars back. Seems like pooping out on the last lap of a race. Maybe you need that money, or don't need a 3D printer or something. The Peachy guys are pretty cool guys, if you email them, I bet they will refund you, even though, from my perspective, they are under no legal or moral obligation to do so.

  3. #3
    Peachy Printer Founder
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Hey altmann,
    atho we have already purchased most of the parts for your printer I am very understanding of your request for a refund. What we set out to accomplish at peachy
    is quite hard, and its taken lots longer than you or I would have expected (altho I have heard from veterans in R and D that this is very normal).
    Not everyone that backed us went in with an understanding of crowd funding that's as clear as Anuvins!
    If you still want a refund, send us a PM on Indegogo and we will refund you from there.

    I should also warn you that it may take a little while to get a reply, as the guy that checks messages( Nathan) is spread very thin right now.
    He is managing production, packing printers, managing inventory, managing 25 ish suppler relationships, update creation from start to finish ( including vidoe editing and filming), doin pay role, Web site design, and graphic desing for all the paper template parts in the printer.
    As we have Just built a production and packing facility here at peachy the growth pains are very real!

    Ether way I hope you have enjoyed the process of being a part of our crowd funding campaign so far, Thanks for Backing us!

  4. #4
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    I hope you have enjoyed the process of being a part of our crowd funding campaign so far,
    lol - that's funny :-)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Vancouver, BC

    so close

    ALTMANN there are official V1 kits that have been shipped and assembled by beta testers ...
    they are so close

    but if you've reevaluated things and your priorities are else where
    We have to make our investments in the things we need count

  6. #6
    Senior Engineer
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Burnley, UK
    I think that at $135 it's must be worth the wait, surely you can't be that desperate for it. I would stick it out.

    Having said that I have no idea how much more you are expected to pay to get your printer or how these things normally work but if the money is important then passing it over to someone on the Internet is never a good idea.

  7. #7
    I'll take his spot in line. ;-) I don't mind getting 2. I got in after the main campaign, and got in on the first backerkit sign up.

  8. #8
    Engineer-in-Training ServiceXp's Avatar
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    Crowdfunding Manufacturing... "When professional investors (sometimes established companies) wont put their own money on-line"

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    San Diego
    Haha, yes that is one way of looking at it. But another is "When who-you-know doesn't determine your success" and I like that part of it. Corporations and the wealthy are keeping us down, man!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Anuvin View Post
    Haha, yes that is one way of looking at it. But another is "When who-you-know doesn't determine your success" and I like that part of it. Corporations and the wealthy are keeping us down, man!
    I like Anuvin's version !!!! The plain truth these days is that investors (like the Dragons) will not take on any venture with an element of technical risk. They simply want to pick the fully grown and ripened apple off the tree.

    On the refund issue, I think it is actually 'naughty' to ask for one at this stage. After all, your contribution is to cover development as well as the final hardware and Rylan has already spent the development proportion of your money. If everyone demanded a refund it would be a bit like collapsing a bank and then no-one would get a printer.

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