Quote Originally Posted by cmot View Post
About 3D scanners, they aren't really working yet. No company has come out with a scanner that is cheap and gets good reviews. Cubify does have these, but I have no idea if they work at all.
I was specifically looking at Cubify, the one that looks like a staple gun.

And I completely agree with you about the Chinese customer support. Language barrier, time zone difference, inferior build quality, inferior parts quality, Shipping a printer back to China for a return, ect. Sounds like a lot of hassle to me. I know I sound like I'm preaching about Chinese electronics here, but that's because I'm biased. I work for an AMERICAN electronics manufacturer. A dying breed. I'm proud of the fact that the electronics we make are vastly superior to the Chinese. I can tell you from personal experience that the Chinese can't touch the quality control that we use everyday. We get top dollar for our electronic parts for a reason.

From what I've seen on Printerbots website, and their Youtube videos, Printerbot looks like they are on the right track with their products.