I see several things going on in your prints. The columns of material building up next to the print are due to ooze. Material is coming out of the nozzle when it's moving between islands, and it's wiping off as it touches things and building those columns. Ooze is a product of temperature and retraction.

The hairlike threads of filament stretched across between the islands is also a form of ooze, but usually a sign that the printing temperature is too high.

The rough surface is usually caused by overextrusion (extruding too much plastic). The extra material is squeezing out the sides of the print. This usually means that your ESteps value is a little high or your filament is a little larger than configured in Slic3r.

Several things to try:

First, Slic3r 0.9.9 is very, very old. It has known overextrusion problems and issues with perimeters around holes in certain circumstances. I strongly recommend upgrading to Slic3r 1.2.9 stable. I've been using it for a while now and it prints much more preciesly.

Second, try lowering your temperature a little. A few degrees at a time. If that's ABS at 250, try 245. When you get too low, the extruder may start to jam or the layers will start to separate more easily, meaning there wasn't enough latent heat to bond them together well. Usually, you have to balance threading with layer adhesion.

Third, make sure you aren't missing steps on the retract. Older MakerFarm printers (sold early this year and previously) had motors with high resistance and inductance values and this made rapid retracts impossible. At 30mm/s for the retract, the motor would miss steps, and then extra plastic would come out when restarting extrusion. If your motors get very hot while printing (60C or higher) you probably have the old motors. Try slowing your retract speed down and see if it helps. The retract should be quick and smooth. If it chatters or vibrates during retraction, you're probably missing steps. Try 10mm/s to start. Retraction won't be as effective, but it'll be better than missing steps.

If none of these things help, try reducing your ESteps value a little at a time. If you're at 590, try 570 and see if it's better. If you reduce it too much, you'll start to get gaps in your top fill.

Good luck, and let us know how it goes.