Well. I'm going to have to bump this thread..
I'm sitting in front of my ROBO 3D right now, and well. I'm ready to bury the thing..
It has been NOTHING but issues since I got it. Worked great for about four hours, then it went downhill and off a cliff into Hell.
I think I need a different model.
What about that Printrbot Metal Plus? I know it doesn't have a heated bed, but.. Do you need that for printing with PETG? I'm kind of over the ABS thing, when PETG has more strength and is much less temperamental.
Printrbot headquarters is a quick 15 minute drive, so I'll be heading there Monday just to check it out at least.
I really like the build size with the ROBO 3D. The build quality of the unit, I would say, is so-so, the print quality is now horrible.
I heard Printrbot print quality is sub-par.
Check out my thread on the ROBO forums, and you can see the nightmare I've been through.
Thankfully, Amazon.com has a GREAT return policy.