Hey man! I don't know if you are still having this problem, but I recently got an M3D printer and had to to a lot of research. Heres what I found works.

Ink not releasing

First, tell the software the ink has released, then go through the procedure to reinsert the ink, even though it already is connected. THEN, run through the releasing procedure. If this doesn't work, This may seem a little bit rudimentary, but turn up the temperature bit by bit until it gives. I am talking about 5 C increments. (I would not go over 240 C)

Ink not Extruding

There is a great video that teaches you how to unclog your printer. For me, this fixed it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKIL2AedyMQ

Now, For my final piece of advice, load the ink externally. It is MUCH better, trust me. Take your ink out of the printer, and build a small mounting setup (Use like a bottle or something to mount the spool on) and print a clip on external ink spool holder. You can find it on M3D's website.