Sorry for bumping an old thread but didn't feel my question warrants a new thread.

After 2 ROBO3Ds went out in 1 month and a sub $1k budget I opted for Microcenter's PowerSpec Ultra. I'm not sure which FF it most closely relates to its the older chassis but has the touchscreen from the Dreamer and requires I use the dreamer settings in simplify3d. It doesn't have the fancy plastic cap covering the wiring harness just split loom and ziptied to a nylon spacer secured by a silver Allen bolt. When I disassembled the fans and what not to insert the PTFE tubes into the hot end they don't actually fit. It appears to have the newer short fat nozzle and I'm actively printing with ninja flex with very satisfactory results. I've not modified anything. The extruded wheel is silver and has a lip on each side.

Have iprovided enough info info that someone could tell me which setup I'm running? I would like to get some .8mm nozzles if possible to speed up some of my larger builds but I'm struggling to find anything. Knowing what exactly I'm looking for should mitigate this :-)

thanks for for any assistance you can provide!