Hello all,
I had purchased this filament monitor from Toybuilder.com on Black Friday. I printed this bracket, http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:695387, and after a few modifications everything is mounted and working
.IMG_20151202_133130_16CS.jpgThe circuit board end of the wiring goes in the black socket in the middle of the picture, along with the 3 gray wires
.IMG_20151202_150142.jpgThe monitor wire can be put into the split loom which will keep it from being damaged. To open these brackets insert a small screwdriver as shown and the bracket will pop open.
IMG_20151202_150159.jpgI had wanted to continue the sensor wire in the split loom but the sensor wire needs another 1/2" to do so. The sensor wire is JUST long enough with little room to spare.
IMG_20151202_150256.jpgThe brackets that I printed needed to have this slot moved more towards the back. Move this slot 1/4" towards the silver mark. I modified the one I printed with my Dremel tool. Also, the wiring connector slot, on the back face, needs to be moved outward another 1/8" so the sensor will sit flush in the bracket.
IMG_20151202_155922.jpgI used eight 4-40 sheet metal screws 1/2" long to assemble the bracket. Note that I mounted one sensor, the bracket and then the other sensor. I did not like the amount of tension on the gray ribbon cable from the split loom.

Other notes:
I cut 6 1/2" from the black plastic filament guides and discarded. If you do not add a filament tube below the sensors, you can now load the filament from the front of the printer!! Nice!

Remember you must press the red reset button whenever you start a job or take the pause off. Fortunately, this button is on the right side of the sensor when standing in front of the printer. Nice!

In all this sensor fit well and seems to be working correctly but my first failure will tell. As noted on tunell.us there is a timeout that is settable for no movement of filament. I am going to look at that further to see if it is the right amount.

This hardware, along with the UPS I added, should save a lot of time from failed prints.
