Quote Originally Posted by T3X View Post
Hello All,

I have a homebuilt printer and it's function great, well almost great, when i start printing the first lines will stick and looking pretty smooth BUT....
When the printer going to make the bottom infill it go's totally wrong, it looks like the nozzle gets in the PLA, it doesn't make the lines, well the engines are making the moves but the PLA starts to build up.
I tried several settings in Slic3r but are still not able to get it to work properly.
See the image.

Hope someone knows how to solve and why this occurs.
Already big Thank YOU

From the picture it looks like there are several issues. First are you sure that the bed height is correct as this will cause a variety of problems but in your case it looks too big an initial gap between bed and nozzle. This is a critical dimension and determines how well the filament adheres to the bed and the initial width of the extrusion to ensure no gaps. Secondly, good adherence depends on bed preparation; some use blue painters tape for PLA but I find that a solution of PVA glue and water wiped over the surface works best; the mix I use is 1 part PVA to 4 parts water and use ethyl alcohol (methylated spirit) to clean the bed; it also removes old PVA coating as well. Thirdly, nozzle temperature could be too low but the other issues may be masking this. I print PLA at 200 to 210 degrees. Lastly, print speed can cause similar problems so do try printing with a slower first layer printing speed.
