Quote Originally Posted by Dustin B View Post
So is it recommended to use a different firmware than Colin links to from his build guides?
You'll grow to realize that once Colin has something that works, he sticks with it rather than keep updating the baseline. I'm not sure what baseline MakerFarm is using for their current firmware, but I believe Colin is still distributing Slic3r v0.9.9 as a slicer and will tell you that is the ONLY version that will ever provide you with successful prints. v0.9.9 was obsolete when I built my printer in early 2014, what yet now.

I agree with tsteever that it's arguably better to start off with the MakerFarm build, and even suggest those new to 3d printing start with Slic3r v0.9.9 as a slicer. That way all the firmware is preconfigured for you, and you can run with MakerFarm-provided slicer configuration files that should get you up and running quickly. If you have issues, Colin will be able to help you with them. As you see things about prints you don't like, learn more about the hundreds (seriously, hundreds) of settings involved the firmware and slicer, want to add features like automatic print bed compensation to your printer, and no longer need to rely on Colin for tech support, then start to look into what other options are out there.