Quote Originally Posted by rylangrayston View Post
Great Ideas everyone!
Iv tried using a very old version of the peachy to move the laser in a line quick enough to simulate a line laser lens.. its a great idea and it still has potential.
one of the problems with doing that is the that typical web cams dont give you control over the exposure time, and the exposure time adjusts automatically, so its tricky to
get expose a line that dosent overlap uneven brightness. The first scans shown in the main campaign video did use a peachy printer with one mirror vibrating very quickly. and as a temporary solution I used a DSLR camera which allowed me to control the exposure times and minimize this problem.
I like the idea of a scanner hack where a line laser ( with a line laser lense) is placed in the peachy printer head and one of the mirrors causes the plane of light coming from the laser to move across the model.

We also wrote software quite some time a go that takes N video frames and mixes them together to create a long exposure shot... for example filming at 30 frames per second, you can take 60 frames to get a 2 second exposure image. This could be useful when drawing a grid.

I Think the first version of the scanner will be simpler than these ideas but I can see how as scanner hack today could become the standard 2.0 scanner of tomorrow.
oh and something to stop it a precise spot... yes Ill see if I can work that in today, seems useful.
A bit of Googling..... structured light scanning looks to be the way to go, projecting a series of grids onto the object. Whether Peachy could achieve frame rates for persistence of vision (25-30 fps) I dont know. My cheap laser pointers come with a series of lenses, so a cheap 'grid' lens should be achievable, if Peachy cant achieve a persistence of vision grid.

The David scanner uses a projector to create the grid:- http://wiki.david-3d.com/david3_user...ructured_light