If you were one of the thousands of Fallout fans who missed the Pip-Boy Edition of Fallout 4 that includes a real Pip-Boy that would hold a smartphone then you can now get one 3D printed for you. 3D designer Yvo de Haas made his own version of the Pip-Boy smartphone holder using SolidWorks and created a custom 3D printable version of the Pip-Boy 3000 Mark IV. He is freely sharing the 3D models and posted detailed printing and assembly instructions up on his website. 3D Hubs has made three different '3D Hubs Print-Ready Kits' available for quick ordering, and is offering a 20% discount off of all orders for the Pip-Boy Kits through Friday, November 13th. You can read more over on 3DPrint.com: http://3dprint.com/104755/3d-hubs-pip-boy-controller/