I scanned a Death Star Trooper and a Robocop missing its foot, both of them four inch tall action figures. I used high resolution on the turntable, immediately after calibrating the turntable, with the V1.7.0 firmware. The detail is decent but not what I would want for making out the finer injection molded aspects of an action figure's head. Both figures had some very contrasty color schemes -- the trooper with white clothes and black boots/gloves/goggles, and the Robocop had a black gun and pearlescent blue body plates. I had to lightly baby powder both of them to get the scans to turn out. You can see that the overall scan is pretty good but some of the finer details didn't turn out too great. The trooper's hands are a little malformed, and the spike ridge on the back of the helmet are slightly blobby. The Robocop scan is missing the finer lines (actual ridges, not paint) stamped around the head, and in the pectoral and bicep body plates -- those ridges are barely within the 0.1mm tolerance and they do show up a little in a single scan view but disappear when all the scans are coalesced into an object.

Maybe someone with more skills in Meshlab can get the fine lines to come back into existence, I didn't have the time to figure it out with the various notes in this forum's topics. If someone does get a better mesh to happen, I would be quite grateful for a full walkthrough (either writeup or Youtube format).

Note that my specific scanner hardware still has an outstanding question about whether both cameras are actually calibrated correctly with respect to each other. I have one camera (furthest from the USB port) whose sharpest focus plane falls roughly on the nearest edge of the second-to-outermost circle around the turntable, and the camera (on the side closest to the scanner's USB connector) has the sharpest focus plane on the furthest edge of the same circle. I asked previously if others had the same experience and I only got one reply (they didn't see that effect) and no explanation from Shining3D.

Scan file links: