I have had a CubePro since March. I have printed many items. I know the users manual backwards and forwards. When the filament does not break or the extruder is not jammed it prints very well. It does depend on the quality of the files. I have had 17 breaks on one cartridge. I have had multiple breaks on one job which makes it very difficult to remove the filament pieces from the tube. I am dealing with another jam right now that may require a new assembly. Libraries to the north and the south of me have different models. They are not having all these problems. Their printers consistently work. I really believe we made a bad choice when we purchased this printer over several other models out there. I do not know how many people I have sent to these other libraries to have something printed because we were dealing with a problem. The CubePro and 3D systems is not highly thought of by the people I send elsewhere. If I ever purchase another printer it will feed directly into the extruder from the roll. It will not go through tubes.