Quote Originally Posted by Sebastian Finke View Post
Why is this so important. You can print using an SD card. Tge only time you would need to connect RepG via USB is to change firmware settings and you already have a Windows 7 PC...

RepG is ancient in software terms. Its unrealistic to expect it to work flawlessly on a modern OS.
I get the OP's frustration. My Dreamer stopped connecting via USB to S3D when I became a beta tester for El Capitan. I now have to do everything by the SD card, which is more work for me, due to the location of my printer vs my iMac. Its all about time. What if I screw up on a setting? Then the process repeats, so the time I have to spend going back and forth is wasted time. I have hundreds of photographs to work on daily, so my time is needed doing other things.