This is a very interesting Thread, and I really respect the way the first post was written. I feel grateful for how the conversation has gone so far and to be part of this growing community. Personally Im not the type of person who has any trouble saying sorry, infact I go around constantly asking my employees and friends, how Ive messed up, how they think I could do better. I consider finding out Im wrong to be the exact moment that I have the opportunity to learn something. Today Iv learned that for many people a straight up apology would be appreciated. We have talked about giving one before in an update but came to the conclusion that people probably didnt want to here sorry when they could here situation + action plan. As for the positive spin, I think it comes from a combination of our own optimism for the project and the excitement for our accomplishments. We work on Peachy Printer every day, and we work hard to make it great, we see problems simply as opportunities for solutions. Our positivity is what gets us thru the years of what most would call painstaking R and D. Without a glass is completely full of air and water mentality, we wouldn't make it thrue to the end and we wouldn't try crazy things like dip feeds and mirrors on a thread.

now for that apology.

I am sorry that I predicted such early shipping dates in the kickstarter campain.
I was completely naive about the shipping dates, and the amount of time it would take to really take the peachy to v 1.0
I should have done more research on how long hardware product development takes, having said that I dont think research would have made me wise enough. I know now that getting a grip on how long R and D takes really requires one to experience it first hand.
I do know one thing, I was dead wrong about our original shipping dates, and I posted those estimated dates without having the skillset to really estimate them.
Im also glad we didnt stick to our estimated shipping dates. When your wrong about something its disastrous to not admit it and just stick with the original plan.
If we had shipped what we had at the original shipping dates we would have disappointed everyone, The printer didnt work that well and wasn't designed to be produced in high volume. Today, after alot of R and D, we have made something that we cant wait to send you.

lol and I reading over my apology I suddenly realize it ends with a positive spin…. well what can I say at least its honest.