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  1. #1

    Where is the best place to find a designer?

    Let's say you were looking for someone to design a product for you that you want to 3D Print from home. Where would you go about doing this? I have a really unique idea that I think I could make a good amount of money off of. However, I am terrrible at using CAD or any other design software. I would like a professional designer to do it for me. Where could I go to find someone like this?

  2. #2
    I'm not a designer by trade but i do it both on and off the clock. Pm me if interested

  3. #3
    You could probably find someone on Thingiverse or Shapeways, that you really like their designs. Then contact them and ask them if they would be willing to help you out. A lot of these people are willing to do work in exchange for money or recognition.

  4. #4
    Visit or The first address has underscores before & after dixon. If interested shoot me an email. I use Creo 2.0. I do this for a living.

  5. #5
    Student Valter's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Try in cgtalk forum. There you'll find out many 3D designs.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    How about I believe you could find 3D designers there. The site is filled with freelanceers, and the way it's set up offer you a decent amount of protection.

  7. #7
    Technologist Kingoddball's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Syd - Aust
    You could always take a run at designing yourself if it's not that complicated by trying

  8. #8
    I'd probably suggest making a post on this forum in the Marketplace, in the "Services needed/wanted" section.

  9. #9
    Super Moderator RobH2's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Baltimore, MD
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    Me, I'm a professional designer.

    I have a degree in Industrial Design but since 1995 I have been a 3D Animator and Illustrator. I design things all the time and I'll be glad to help you out to get started for free. If it's something that might talk more involvement, then we could talk more about that. But, feel free to reach out to me with ideas or questions. I'll do what I can to help you get started.

    Bambu P1S/AMS

  10. #10
    RobH2, do you have any sort of profile, where we can see your designs? I'd love to check them out. Do you have a thingiverse account?

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