Quote Originally Posted by ckp343 View Post
Haha I hear you there, but this board just looks cheap. I honestly have no idea what board it is MPX .1 Base V1.3 thats all the board says.... its red in color. The sainsmart board is the 2-in-1 printer controller. I couldn't figure out the settings for movement, I'm short on time was suppose to have sunday off but ended up fighting a fire that went on for five miles. I have no idea what is on the printer board right now i did not program it. The arduino compiler is the IDE from arduino the newest one on their site. The motor works i know that. The driver may have kicked it the only issue is the drivers on this board are built in. to switch to E1 on the extruder i would need to reflash the board but then i will lose all the settings it has.
First - I would stick with your sainsmart board at all times. It's just a better, more common controller board. Spend the time getting that to work before ordering anything else. That's my opinion at least.

I know it sucks that you lose all settings during a re-flash, but like I say, you'll need to know them eventually if you're serious about 3D printing. At some point you're going to need to reflash your firmware.

A LOT of people have reported issues with marlin when it's compiled with any Arduino IDE later than 1.0.5. You MUST use this 1.0.5 to compile if you want to use Marlin: http://arduino.googlecode.com/files/...r2-windows.exe. There's a good chance some of your issues are just from garbled code somewhere because you used latest. Also, I highly recommend you wipe the EEPROM before uploading any new firmware versions. There is already a script for this in "File->Examples->EEPROM" in the Arduino IDE program.

Lastly, if you establish a decent understanding of your firmware settings then I highly recommend you check out Repetier. It's free, and is less outdated than Marlin. Plus, it has a great little configuration tool that makes it easy to set up: http://www.repetier.com/firmware/v092/. Aaaaaaand you can use the latest Arduino IDE to compile/upload it.